A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all our pupils at all times. This policy sets out our rules on dress code for Bryony School pupils while on the school premises or out of school whilst under the care of Bryony School staff.


Uniform is compulsory for all children in Bryony School from the Reception Class upwards. School pupils must wear the correct and clearly named uniform. The winter uniform is usually worn from Autumn Half Term until the start of the Summer Term. We recommend that children in the Pre-School also wear school uniform. An optional Bryony play outfit is available for Nursery child

New school uniform can be purchased from School Time, 23 Railway Street, Chatham. Tel: 01634 831684 Website: http://schooltime.co.uk .

Friends of Bryony School (FoBS) sell a small selection of nearly new school uniform. FoBs also sell new items such as the Nursery play outfits, school reading folders, school bags, school summer hats, school backpacks and satchels and water bottles.


All pupils need the Bryony School Ruck Sack which must be clearly named. All children from the Pre-school to Year 2 will need a Bryony School Reading Book folder. Reception children and above will need a shoe bag.

Hair, Jewellery and Make up

Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back. Simple navy hair accessories may be used.

Make up or nail varnish are not permitted.

For health and safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn in school with the exception of a small pair of discrete ear studs with a maximum of 3mm backs. No jewellery (including ear studs) can be worn during all physical education lessons and other sporting activities on or off the school premises such as swimming and competitive fixtures. Jewellery is a potential risk not only to the wearer but to other children. Pupils should leave items of jewellery and earrings at home on days when they have physical education lessons. For health and safety reasons, under no circumstance, will a member of staff assist a child in removing their earrings. If parents wish for their child’s ears to be pierced then this should take place at the start of the summer holidays to allow for earrings to be safely removed.

Pupils who are not able to remove their own earrings (as they may be newly pierced or the child is too young to do it themselves) are unfortunately not able to participate in physical education for their own and others safety. In these exceptional circumstances, a pupil will be asked to undertake the role of coach, official or other relevant learning activity.

Non-Uniform ‘Tag’ Days

Pupils are expected to follow the same rules with regard to hair, jewellery and make up on non-uniform days. Footwear does not have to be black but shoes must be closed toed, non- slip and without heels.

Personal belongings

Children are discouraged from bringing personal valuables to school.